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Carbo Culture. With the carbon removal industry gaining more traction, we partnered up with the Carbo Culture team to create a compelling brand identity and website that would help their solution stand out.

As Carbo Culture was breaking ground on its newest carbon removal facility in Finland, they asked us to provide them with a scalable brand identity and website to help them evolve into the next phase—a scale-up towards a full commercial roll-out of their patented carbon removal solution. Carbo Culture raised $18 million soon after the launch.

Throughout the design, we aimed to make Carbo Culture stand out in the growing climate space, while communicating their solution in a tangible manner. In the brand identity, we paid tribute to the molecular drawings and hexagonal structure of carbon, as well as the context in which it is stored, visually balancing the tensions between nature and tech. By combining documentary-style imagery and custom diagrams with more abstract CG renders and poetic metaphors, we impressed the realness and nowness of Carbo Culture's solution, while referring to its global impact at scale.

  • Next.js
  • Typescript
  • Emotion
  • Framer Motion
  • Headless CMS
  • Federico Barni (BTS+nature footage Finland)
  • Rob Fraebel (BTS+nature footage California)
  • Alexandros Mavrogiannis (CGI biomass+products)
  • Shestakovych Studio (CGI reactors)
  • Remy van der Winden (diagram animations)
  • Gianluca Alla (logo animations)

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