Tech Blog. A peek into the trials, wins and occasional defeats of tech work at BB, written for a community of developers equally interested in solving complex puzzles.
JavaScript (An abridged history) | David C. Rynearson
Handling PostgreSQL Enum Updates with View Dependencies in Alembic Migrations | Nico Lutz
MicroPython Remote Keyboard: Remote Help At Your Fingertips | Gunnar Grimnes
Using a profiler to find that one line change for 10x Speedup | Gunnar Grimnes
Prompt refinement: From Company Descriptions to Impact Reporting | Philipp Gross
Mocking OpenAI for testing | Nico Lutz
Data Visualization with Svelte and D3.js | Kristijan Barišić
Success with Rust in Production | Tristan King
Enhancing Website Accessibility: A Case Study on Phantom | Fenna de Wilde
fastText with MLFlow | Nico Lutz
Using XState for UI flows | Paulius Friedt
Dynamic materialized views in SQLAlchemy | Nico Lutz
Text classification with GPT-4 | Philipp Gross
Code translation with ChatGPT | Nico Lutz
Broken Machine Windows - Debugging a custom TensorFlow.js DCGAN model | Philipp Gross
Lessons learned - deploying on Azure | Nico Lutz
Findings on Pre-trained LayoutLM Language Model | Nico Lutz
Converting a project from Python to Rust, piece by piece | Tristan King
What a 2016 MacBook Pro teaches me about Statistical Language models | Nico Lutz
The curious case of User Management in Docker on Openshift | Nico Lutz
Training a language model in spaCy v3 | Nico Lutz
A Random Walk Through Git | Malte Kiesel
An Introduction to Flow for Android | Martin Tøften
Android Animations - interacting with the user | Anders Skaalsveen
Convert a physical chessboard into a digital one | Saurabh B
Learning to Share With Kotlin Multi-Platform + Native | Ellen Shapiro
The Great Callback Hell Bake-Off | Ellen Shapiro
Hiding your Mobile Secrets | Ellen Shapiro
Saving cats with Insert or Update in Room | Joseph Jreij
Swift and C interoperability | Igor Ranieri
Inline SVGs in React + Webpack | Megan Pearson
Rebasing Onto A Squashed Commit | Ellen Shapiro
Introducing SingleLiveEvent | Colin Dodd
Turn your selfie into a LEGO® brick model | Philipp Gross
Keeping .observe() out of the ViewModel | Colin Dodd
Neat Android Architecture through NetworkBoundResource | Colin Dodd
Down the debugging rabbit-hole | Gunnar Grimnes
OMG, SVG | Ezekiel Aquino
Extending the View | Colin Dodd
True, False, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ | Colin Dodd